Initiatives & Projects
Green Initiatives & Projects
Ecosia for the RUG
The Green Office Ambassadors of the RUG are currently working on a student campaign with the goal to implement the sustainable search engine Ecosia at the RUG. Ecosia is an alternative search engine that uses 80% of its profits made from your searches to plant trees and so far, Ecosia users have planted more than 100 million trees!
Now they need everyone's support to establish Ecosia as the standard search engine for our university computers. Please sign this petition to show your support so we can make the switch! You can already start planting trees in the name of the RUG by downloading Ecosia here.
You can also follow GroningenOnEcosia on Instagram.
Thanks for your help!
World Clean Up Day
UCG’s Green Office embassy spontaneously decided to join the World Cleanup Day which took place on Saturday the 19th of September. People from 180 different countries join this event every year to pick up as much litter as possible. Members of the UCG Green Office and other UCG students cleaned up around UCG to provide a cleaner place for the community as well as for everyone else. It was a beautiful sunny day and after two hours Groningen had become a little bit cleaner thanks to the volunteers. Remember to take care of your surroundings by throwing your litter in a recycle bin and your cigarette buts in an ashtray!