Some Sunday Evening

Some Sunday Evening

there´s wörk tomorrow, i guess there was work today, but no one expected us to do it, so we didn´t. Maybe God expected us to do it, but...

My forever inspiration, my Nonno

My forever inspiration, my Nonno

In Italy we refer to our grandparents as nonno and nonna and today I would like to introduce you to my beloved nonno, aka Piero for...

Horoscope - December

Horoscope - December

Horoscope - December The present horoscope is based on an ancient tradition of reading toilet paper to predict the future. Predictions...

Welcome to SLASH 2021-2022

Welcome to SLASH 2021-2022

Dear Reader,  Welcome or welcome back to the Slash page.  You are probably here because you saw our little message in the UCG restrooms....

Epic Adventures on 64 Squares

Epic Adventures on 64 Squares

Chess is one of the games that has remained popular throughout all cultures for hundreds of years. According to a survey, 15% Americans,...